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Pick-me Bears
©Robena Duffy, 2024.
One Of A Kind
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The Pick-me Bears News

5th International See-Bären-Festival
Pick-me Bears will be exhibiting at the 5th International See-Bären-Festival in Lindau, Germany!
Where: Inselhalle,Zwanziger Straße 12,D-88131 Lindau
When: Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th July 2008
Time: Saturday, 11.00 until 17.00; Sunday, 10.00 until 17.00
Entrance: 7.00 € (children under 10 can enter for free)

Kits now available!
I have finally got around to making up a few kits.
I hope that will satisfy all of you out there that would like to have a go at making your own Pick-me Bear.
To see the kits available click here - Kits -.
Teddybär Welt 2008
Pick-me Bears will be exhibiting at Teddybär Welt in Wiesbaden, Germany!
Where: Rhein-Main-Hallen, Wiesbaden
When: Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March 2008
Time: Saturday, 10.00 until 18.00; Sunday, 10.00 until 17.00
Entrance: 7.00 € (children under 12 can enter for free)

Bärenbörse "Teddy-Vernissage" Fürstenfeldbruck
Pick-me Bears will be exhibiting at Bärenbörse "Teddy-Vernissage" in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany!
Where: Veranstaltungsforum Fürstenfeld, Fürstenfeld 12, Fürstenfeldbruck
When: Sunday 14th October 2007
Time: 11.00 until 16.00
Entrance: 3.00 € (children under 12 can enter for free)

Bärenbörse "Teddy-Vernissage" Ottobrunn

Pick-me Bears will be exhibiting at Bärenbörse "Teddy-Vernissage" in Ottobrunn, Germany!
Where: Wolf-Ferrari-Haus, Rathausplatz 2, Ottobrunn
When: Sunday 23rd September 2007
Time: 11.00 until 16.00
Entrance: 3.00 € (children under 12 can enter for free)

International See-Bären-Festival

Pick-me Bears will be exhibiting at the International See-Bären-Festival in Lindau, Germany!
Where: Inselhalle Lindau, Zwanzigerstraße 12, 88131 Lindau/Bodensee
When: Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th July 2007
Time: 11.00 until 17.00
Entrance: 5.00 € (children under 10 can enter for free)

Benjamin Thomas Duffy

Pick-me Bears have been a bit preoccupied lately as I have been taking care of my new little boy, Benjamin Thomas Duffy, who was born on the 8th January 2007.
Benjamin Thomas Duffy

Teddy-Vernissage - in Ottobrunn, near Munich!

Pick-me Bears will be exhibiting at Bärenbörse "Teddy-Vernissage" in Ottobrunn, Germany!
Where: Wolf-Ferrari-Haus (Rathausplatz 2, Ottobrunn)
When: Sunday, 12th November 2006
Time: 11.00 until 16.00
Entrance: 3,00 € (children under 12 can enter for free)
Teddy-Vernissage Website

Euro Teddy 2006 - Pick-me Bears World Premier!

Euro Teddy 2006
Pick-me Bears premiered at the "Euro Teddy 2006" exhibition in Essen, Germany, on the 21st and 22nd October 2006. Thanks to all of you that came by to support us!

The winner of our prize draw, kindly drawn by Christine Spies, is:
Ulrike Weber from Bad Münstereifel
She has been sent Kanga Roo-magoo , a "one of a kind" Pick-me Bear.

Thanks again,
Robena and Andrew.
The Prize Draw Pick-me Bear, Kanga Roo-magoo.
Kanga 01