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Pick-me Bears
©Robena Duffy, 2024.
One Of A Kind
Limited Editions
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Pick-me Bears now on eBay

Old Jack Batroo

Old Jack Batroo 01 Old Jack Batroo 02 Old Jack Batroo 03 Old Jack Batroo 04
Limited Edition Order Now

Story Teller.

Old Jack Batroo is the oldest and wisest in all of ‘Magoo. He comes from a long line of storytellers who have recorded every yarn, tale, or legend in the Pick-me bear tribe history.
Once a year the whole tribe gather from far and near to hear the old stories be read. Old Batroo reads aloud from the grand old book that has been passed down from generation to generation. He is old and frail and soon he will have to pass his duty on.
He captivates his audience in the light of the huge fire, drawing them closer. He relishes every minute and every breathe. He lives for this moment once a year and enjoys it completely.

Brown German mohair with beige pile
Glass black eyes
Brown coloured suedine paws
Lock nut joints
Armatures for posing
Leather story book

32cm standing (12.5")
23cm sitting (9")
25cm waist (9.75")
weighs ~ 750g (1lb 10oz)

In the land of Willmagoo, close to the village of Pattamablu, there's a gentle breeze blowing and whistling through the trees. The sweet aroma of swee, the root from the ancient hickeldorf tree, is drifting through the air from an old and well-used pipe.

The evening seems right, not too cool for a winter's night, as the tribe gather and talk around the fire. The blaze is grand, drawing all near in the land, to hear the stories and legends be told.
(if you are interested in knowing more of this poem before you purchase please send me an e-mail)

Old Jack Batroo is a limited edition of 10
You can order #02 today

Old Jack Batroo is €190
To see shipping costs please go to order information

If you would like to purchase Paerder Piper please send me an email using the "Order Now" star and I will forward the appropriate paypal information to you.
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If you have any questions about Jack Batroo please just send me an email and I would be happy to help you!
Enquiry:Jack Batroo #02