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Pick-me Bears
©Robena Duffy, 2025.
One Of A Kind
Limited Editions
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Welcome To Pick-me Bears!

Pick-me Bears specialises in the design and creation of uniquely collectable hand-made bears.

Each bear is brought to life with much imagination and love. They all come from a special place and they are all looking for a special home to go to.

The Pick-me Bear tribe are a very unique group of bears who live in the land of Willmagoo, some of whom have a story to share, in the form of a poem.

Here you can learn about the Pick-me Bear tribe and adopt your very own bear!

One Of A Kind
Our bronze range.
Willmagoo has many one of a kind bears just waiting for you!
Limited Editions
Our silver range.
Come and have a peek inside at the limited editions in Willmagoo!
Our gold range.
Why not commission a Pick-me Bear for that someone special!

To join the Pick-me Bear Tribe and receive information about new bears and offers,
please enter your e-mail address below.