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Pick-me Bears
©Robena Duffy, 2024.
One Of A Kind
Limited Editions
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Pick-me Bears now on eBay

The Pick-me Bear Tribe - Limited Editions

Our silver range.
Come and have a peek inside at the limited editions in Willmagoo!
Just click on a bear below for more pictures and stories about that bear!
Jack Frost Jack Frost
For sale (€230)
Mystery Bear Christmas Tree Mystery Bear
For sale (€240)
Paerder Piper Paerder Piper
For sale (€175)
Old Jack Batroo Old Jack Batroo
For sale (€190)
Bumbling Barry Baloo Bumbling Barry Baloo
For sale (€225)
Hairy Humpfrey Baloo Hairy Humpfrey Baloo
For sale (€180)
Major Snuggles Major Snuggles
For sale (€215)
Rosie Rosie
For sale (€155)
Snowdon Snowdon
For sale (€115)

Please note that the Pick-me Bear Tribe are hand made
collectable bears and as such are not suitable for children.