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Pick-me Bears
©Robena Duffy, 2025.
One Of A Kind
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The Pick-me Bears Guest Book

Please feel free to add your comments to our guest book.

NB Owing to a recent spate of inappropriate messages we have had to stop the guestbook.
This should be fixed in the near future.
If you would like any comments added to the guestbook in the meantime please send me an email and I will add your comment manually.



Name: Sara Preston
Comments: Hi, just received miss McGarry today and she is gorgeous, cant tell you how thrilled i am! I love the little bag and the wee book with all the poses too! Plus the little bag and books are so cute.
Date: Fri July 6 15:42:10 2007
Name: Heidi Deisting
Comments: Hallo Frau Nachbarin, habe schon oft Ihre Seite besucht. Finde Ihre Bärchen putzig. Besonders niedlich finde ich den Hasen. Ich freue mich Sie auf der Euro-Teddy zu sehen. Das ist eine tolle Ausstellung mit vielen Besuchern. Hr. Neumann macht sehr gute Werbung. Bis bald und bärige Grüsse Ihre Heidi Deisting
Date: Tue Oct 3 19:06:19 2006
Name: Andrew
Comments: Welcome to the Pick-me Bears Guest Book!
Date: Sun Aug 27 13:35:46 2006