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Pick-me Bears
©Robena Duffy, 2024.
One Of A Kind
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Pick-me Bears now on eBay

Bobalicious Batroo

Bobalicious Batroo 01 Bobalicious Batroo 02 Bobalicious Batroo 03 Bobalicious Batroo 04 Bobalicious Batroo 05
Kits Buy Now

Complete Kit - €20

Attends the Scallywag Kindergarten.

Little Bobalicious, the youngest grandson of the renowned storyteller, Old Jack Batroo, is a little bit of a rascal. He is forever getting into mischief and is always thinking up inventive ways to get out of his chores.
Like his grandfather he likes to tell stories, except Bobs stories are usually little white lies. At the local Little Scallwags kindergarten, Bobalicious is usually the centre of attention amongst the other little bears.

To learn more about the story of the Pick-me Bears please go to

"The Story of the Pick-me Bear Tribe".*

Pattern and full instructions
German mohair, Cinnamon with brown flecks
8mm glass black eyes
Shaded rawhide cinnamon paws
Pearl nose cotton

You will need:
4x40mm and 1x30mm wooden washers
10x bolts, washers and lock nuts
Small polyester rubber pellets
Polyester stuffing
Sewing thread and strong button thread
Needles, scissors and other bear mking tools.

The Bobalicious Batroo kit costs €20 plus postage, packaging and insurance.
To see shipping costs please go to order information

If you would like to purchase the Bobalicious Batroo kit please send me an email using the "buy now" star and I will forward the appropriate paypal information to you.
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If you have any questions about Bobalicious Batroo please just send me an email and I would be happy to help you!
Enquiry: Bobalicious Batroo Kit